Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What have I been up to: Feb 2023 edition

Alright, I'm sitting here at a Public Library waiting for Gaby to finish softball practice, today the weather was going to be nice but then a last minute front came in and practice got moved an hour later and to an indoor facility. It's a typical Seattle evening in February. Rainy, 37 degrees last time I checked. I'm tired, I worked from the office today and I don't feel like doing anything productive so I figured I just write here and start rambling about what's fun, work and not fun. 

Fun Stuff

Skiing at Stevens
I go as often as I can. This is one of those things that gets me going into a state of flow, when I was first learning to ski it was scary, stressful and super hard on my knees, but now that I can at least not die it is just fun. 

Staying home
Last weekend I was going to go but since Gaby had stuff to do I stayed home, as a game I told Martha that I will not say no to anything she asked for that day. Needless to say, I did a lot of house chores that day. Yet I managed not to cook any meals. Another game I came up with is the one where I read to Martha the beginning of a book that has been turned into a movie or TV show that we've seen and I try to see if she can figure it out. Faster one was "Gone Girl" because she actually read the book, the one that she didn't get was "Station Eleven" because she didn't really watch the show. 

Home improvements
We put a dog run on the backyard, that was a real good investment, we covered the backyard and the side of the house with artificial turf, now the dogs can go out and not get muddy and the house stays clean. We love it. We're putting wallpaper in the bathrooms, we're going to add a fireplace to the living room and do other miscellaneous things, like adding a drybar area and shelves for my books. 

Modeling Shoot
Yeah, so today at work I did something different than the usual software engineering stuff. I got an email asking for volunteers for models to wear Amazon Web Services apparel for the online catalog and social media. They were looking for "diversity" so since I belong to the Latinos at Amazon Affinity group and because of my great looks (lol) 😂  so I told them I'll do it and they said yeah. It was a lot of fun, there were other "models" there that I met, I met a lady from Florida we bonded over the "yeah, I'll never live there again" and "which part of Florida is more sketch than Piooner Square" you know, typical Floridian in Seattle stuff. 

Work Stuff

The last time I was oncall there was an outage that affected my service, and a VIP customer. I got paged so much, and I worked the hardest I've ever worked since I don't know when, The good part is that I got to meet famous people from the company since pretty much everyone was paying attention to this ticket.

No more working from home
Yeah, that was in the news the other day. Working from home is nice but as long as I don't have to commute to Bellevue I'll be okay.  Traffic is going suck, but at least the downtown scene will start thriving again, it was sad to see so many restaurants an businesses close during the pandemic

Big Project
I got asked to lead a big project with people working with me and all of that, it's more responsibility but I look forward to growing my skills.  There are things that come easy to me others take more work, planning, allocating time for multiple tasks organizing information and prioritizing are difficult. 

Not Fun Stuff

Chicha is getting old. 
Chicha turned eleven years old but lately her health is starting to deteriorate, she is the best dog I've ever had and I have a hard time letting go. I can't make the decision, but I know her time is coming. 

I have not been sleeping well on and off since last November. I have had to deal with so many complicated situations that at night I just wake up early, like at 3 AM.  It was really bad in December, then January it got a little better but on and off. I've been much better this month but sometimes something triggers the insomnia and it sucks. It sucks the next day when I have to work because I don't have the energy to do normal executive function stuff. I notice that when I'm sleep deprived I'm more likely to get angry or upset or sad, alternatively when I get a good night sleep I'm in such a good mood that people can tell the difference. I am trying everything that I know to address this, but it still happens. I've been like this all my life but I think this is the longest stretch I've had where it happens more often than not. 

Well, that's all I have for now, the Library is about to close so I'm just going to publish without proof-reading. 


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