"I was only joking, lighten up!"
"Why are you so fanatical"
"Calm down"
The other day I blocked another family member on FB after they posted a "joke" where the butt of the joke was a queer person. I am posting this to let you know that if I see that kind of crap on my social media timeline, I will call you out on it, then probably block you and report you. I know that I am not going to change people's minds anyway, but at least you will know that I don't tolerate that bullshit.
If I doesn't change a person's mind, why do it?
I used to just let it go, and move on with my day, maybe make a mental note. I understand that people say stuff without meaning any harm. Of course people will complain about "being politically correct" and what not. I believe in every one's rights to say whatever they want to say, in the context of the law you should be able to say whatever you want to say, but just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's not fucked up. Technically, being a jackass is not illegal, you can be dumb as fuck and be within the bounds of the law. In the realms of the personal, I will not suffer bigots. I will not tolerate intolerance. Period.
In my personal life I have boundaries and I will not have any bigots in my life. If you say something stupid near me I will call you out. It's that simple.
I have to live everyday with the fear that some hateful incel with nothing better to do will attack my daughter just for existing. The stats for anit-trans hate crimes are on a10 year high in Tacoma WA
The next administration campaigned on taking rights away from my daughter and people like her. Even if she were to keep her rights and be treated equally by law, I have to worry about her getting proper healtcare, about not-hired for a job, getting fired for no reason, and being under-paid. All these things are real concerns. Since trans people are a minority, there aren't enough people out there fighting for trans rights, for right to exist and live their live in peace.
So, fuck that, if I hear you make jokes about trans people then I will call you out.
So here's are my reasons for calling people out on their transphobic BS
- Saying nothing implies approval.
- Saying nothing helps the status quo
- Saying nothing teaches nothing
- Saying nothing makes me complacent
- Saying nothing normalizes anti-trans sentiments
- Saying something may help change someone's mind
- Saying something raises awareness.
Seriously bro?? I didn't get this post. You talking about respect and you disrespect to everyone, you talking about tolerance but you haven't got tolerance, you so confusing bro, you speaking backwards and forwards and running on circles. I though you more smart than this mate. PD. You so offensive by the way. POR SI ACASO EN ESPAÑOL... pensé que eras más inteligente que este mi pana, pero leyendo esto me doy cuenta que hablas de respeto cuando tú no respetas a nadie y hablas de tolerancia cuando tu eres el intolerante, aquí hablas para atrás y para adelante. Quien te entiende? Das vuelta en círculos culpando a la sociedad y probablemente el equivocado seas tú. Saludos y disfruta tu viaje.
I hope you never have to feel the pain of parents knowing people hate or make 'fun' of your child for them just wanting to live their life. May you never have to see your child wanting to die because they are so uncomfortable with how they look. May you never have to worry if you child will be not be alive when you wake up. May you never feel how terrifying it is seeing them go live their life and worry that someone will hurt them for just being themselves.
I never claimed to be smart, I am really not. I don't tolerate intolerance. If that makes me the bad guy and it makes you the victim in your eyes, then sure. Maybe you'll think twice before posting jokes at the expense of other people, maybe you won't change at all, maybe that will push you to dig your heels and post even more intolerant vitriol. What you do with your life is up to you. I felt like I had to say something, so I did.
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