Monday, December 04, 2023

My review of "Butts: A Backstory" by Heather Radke

Butts: A BackstoryButts: A Backstory by Heather Radke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this book the author tells us the history and origin of all things butt-related, particularly women's butts. What it means for many to be the owner of a woman's butt and how that relates to race and class. Heather Radke makes insightful observations in a light, funny and sometimes sobering narrative that comes off as honest and moving.

I enjoyed learning the history of many of our cultural hang-ups about this part of the body. She made connections between fashion and racism that I had never noticed or thought about but seem obvious after you see it. It made me conscious of the big difference between walking the world in a male body where I am not objectified for my body parts, I don't have my character or sexuality judged by the size of any of my visible body parts. I learned about the effect our culture and the media has on people. Specially those that don't meet the "normal body" standard, which happens to be a bunch of made up bs anyway, because there is no such thing as an "average" body since all bodies come in various shapes and sizes and there is no "wrong" way to have a body. Bodies just happen to exits, but we place meaning to body shapes and sizes in order to justify the power structures we construct.

Excellet read. 5/5.

View all my reviews

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