Tuesday, February 21, 2023

My Review of "Detox Your Thoughts" by Andrea Bonior on GoodReads

Detox Your Thoughts: Quit Negative Self-Talk for Good and Discover the Life You've Always WantedDetox Your Thoughts: Quit Negative Self-Talk for Good and Discover the Life You've Always Wanted by Andrea Bonior
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a self-help book. I'm usually skeptical but this one had a lot good info.

The book is short, a little over 200 pages with short chapters structured in a simple-to-digest manner. Lots of summaries and bullet points, which I liked.

There are four parts Part I: Your Mind, Part II: Your Moment, Part III: Your Heart and Part IV: Your Future. These are strategies for dealing with corrosive thoughts and feelings. The overall message is that we are not our thoughts, that thoughts and feelings themselves are not bad per se, but it's how we interpret them, how we react to them and act on them that can be toxic. I'd say it's a good read, it's good to know, of course the knowledge here has to be put into practice to be effective.

At first I thought I didn't have much to learn from it since personally I do not beat myself up with negative talk like "I can't do this" or "this is too much" etc, etc. There's no way I could have gotten through the Marines, a war, engineering school talking to myself like that. However, I did gain a few key insights into my psyche that I will take with me:

1. Emotions should not be dismissed or suppressed, they should be examined. When you tune out to your emotions, they come back, with force. Acknowledge your feelings and they will pass on their own.

2. Avoiding discomfort only makes things worse. People will do all kinds of things to avoid facing a tough reality. It's better to face the thing that you want to avoid to stop giving it power over you.

3. The one that hit me was the myth of arrival, people who live from goal to goal trying to achieve because deep down they believe that they have to achieve things in order to be worthy of love. I had to reckon with that one. I was raised to think that way, I absorbed that message and had internalized it.

Overall, it passed the test for good reads. I made me see things a bit differently, I do understand myself a bit better. It taught me to treat myself with the same kindness and compassion as I try to treat others.

Good Read.

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