Monday, July 18, 2005


Hmm, this is a good question, at first it was a way for me to get in touch with friends and family, but that has not really happened. Most of my family is not in here so they don't really read that much English. That leaves the rest to my friends, and you people read it but don't leave any freaking comments, so that leaves just the random people who read stranger's blogs, and I doubt I have too many of those. So, it's just me, I am selfishly going to write whatever the hell comes to my Mind, I have picked out some topics I wish to bring up. I will do a series of Posts titled "Confessions from the War" in which I will say a bunch of stuff I have been meaning to say about that part of my life. So this will be my personal place to make a mental dump everytyme I think it is necessary. I doubt that many people out there actually give a $%^& if I start ranting about x, so I think my thoughts are pretty safe here. More to follow....

1 comment:

wanderer said...

Okay, sorry, I'll start posting. I'll still be checking it even if I'm not posting. Rant about whatever you want; let your mind go and be free and blah blah blah. That should be interesting.